Disposable Endoscope Valves System For Pentax Endoscopes 90 and i10 Series
Disposable Endoscope Valves System For Pentax Endoscopes 90 and i10 Series

Disposable Endoscope Valves System For Pentax Endoscopes 90 and i10 Series

Lubricant Free. 

Minimize sticking and leaking issues. 

Single-use to protect patients and staff from cross-contamination.

Compatible with Pentax® Endoscopes 90 and i10 series.

Visits: 960

Product Details

Intended Use:

This Disposable Biopsy Valve is intended to be fitted to an endoscope biopsy port to enable access for/exchange of endoscopic devices while maintaining insufflation and minimizing leakage of bio material during an endoscopic procedure.

This Disposable Air/Water Valve is intended to be fitted to an endoscope Air/water channel to enable the operator to control inflow of medical gases and water, whilst preventing backflow.

This Disposable Suction Valve is intended to be fitted to an endoscope suction channel to enable the operator to control suction whilst preventing inflow of air.

This Water Jet Connector is intended to prevents liquid reflux when providing sterile water to the endoscope during endoscopic surgery.


Compatible with Pentax® Endoscopes 90 and i10 series.

Single use, eliminate the work burden of reprocessing.  

Valves come packaged in sterile kits for ease use. 

Unique blister tray design enables the valves to drop out of tray easily.




CIT-VK-0124-piece Valve kit (Air/Water Valve, Suction Valve, Water Jet Connector, Biopsy Valve)20
CIT-VK-0133-piece Valve kit (Air/Water Valve, Suction Valve, Biopsy Valve)20
CIT-VK-0142-piece Valve kit (Air/Water Valve, Suction Valve)20

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