Endoscopy System
CITEC™ 4K Endoscopy System
CITEC™ 4K Endoscopy System

CITEC™ 4K Endoscopy System

Visits: 693

Product Details

CITEC™ 4K Endoscopy System, Integrated Endoscopy Camera System, Endoscopy System, Surgical Endoscope System, Co2 Insufflator, 4K camera, LED coldlight source


•Co2 Insufflator, 4K camera, LED coldlight source, recording, ultra-high-definition display are integrated in one flat panel design

•The parameters are integrated and visualized, and the handle intelligently controls white balance, gain, and storage

•Adaptive continuous input of insufflator flow, calculate self-controlled input flow through rapidde flation, and ensure fast and safe inflation during operation

•4K Ultra HD, intelligent widedy namic back light compensation control, with real-time HD storage

•Intelligent widedy namic flow insufflator, continuous intraoperative

 intracavity pressure during smoke removal

•Coldlight source LED single bead design, lamp life up to 50,000 hours

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