Disposable Polyp Trap, Drawer Type
Disposable Polyp Trap, Drawer Type
Disposable Polyp Trap, Drawer Type
Disposable Polyp Trap, Drawer Type

Disposable Polyp Trap, Drawer Type

For the easy retrieval of specimens during GI endoscopy procedure.

Visits: 282

Product Details

CITEC™ Disposable Polyp Trap, Polyp Traps, Single Chamber Polyp Trap, Four-plus Chamber Polyp Trap, For the easy retrieval of specimens during GI endoscopy procedure.

+ Drawer Type, provide quick and instant collection of polyp

Safely locked drawer type, minimize the air and water leakage. 

Protective cover on the drawer, ensure polyps remain inside the drawer at any condition. 

Single patient use only, prevent potential cross infection.Extra chamber is equipped for every polyp trap.





1 chamber


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